Momoi Night Fest 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010
6:42 PM

Had a blast at momoi night fest and seeing familiar people (although i really wish i enjoyed it with more people.

(In my Black rock shooter cosplay) (that i don't like the current condition.)

She her concert was extended~~ But my calf muscles/feet/arms/wrist/and back are aching. >.< but it was worth it doing Love .EXE on stage. it was actually my first momoi experience and I admit getting a bit teary eyed when momoi was crying (Akiba towel XD)...

Also Christina's performance blew me away. She has a really powerful voice and she inspired me to become a great net idol like she is ^^>

Sadly everyone around had anime pictures and poster and I forgot them ;~; but luckly momoi and christina vee signed my paper and glow stick.

Over all it was fun talking with some of the maids. And Chiyo your an amazing dancer ^^

~Hello ~、ハロー ~!! ~~

6:19 PM

Hello everyone I have finally gotten the chance to write my first blog \ (*o *) /

I have been super busy sewing and coming back from Momoi Fest 2010 I will make a seprate post for that later.

I am more than happy to be a part of Ichigo cafe a maid cafe that travels con to con. so someday it will have a location. Everyone there is really nice and very glad I can work with them. ^^

In future post i will tell about how i go to diffrent conventions, dances that i've learned. and future youtube projects. ^^

This is just the start


ああ、また時私は日本語で入力されます。 私は、偉大ではないので、私はまだ学んでいます.

oh, also at times i will type in japanese, I am still learning so there might be mistakes. >//<

~Thanks to all the readers/commenters (is that a word)??